Friday, April 24, 2009

Livestock, tractors and scenery!

Now what is it? -- The Pond, Our Pond, Marv's Pond, Pudget Sound and Whidbey Island?


Applying anhydrous

Coming in out of the rain!

Mrs. Goose who did not like her space invaded. Mr. Goose is there, too adding his 2 cents!

The fish in the garden pond!

One does have to wonder if I am getting anything done these days with the pictures I've been taking and the posts I've been making! How poetic and I didn't even plan that! Anyway here goes -- I've found out I have some 'little peeps' who like tractor videos and such so I'm trying to include that type of thing!


Anita said...

I'll bet Nolan loves the fish in th pond! And the tractors... me, too! ;) Don't you just love spring on the farm?!

Gina said...

Hi! Anita's sis here- and I LOVE the cows!!!!!! :)

farmermarvswife said...

Gina - I went to your blog but see you haven't posted since last July so will send a comment to you here -- I think I've seen your blog before but didn't realize you were Anita's sister! We do enjoy her - glad we had her a couple times in our field to get to know her.

Mrs. Z said...

Re: The top picture ~~ I don't think it is Puget Sound and Whidbey Island. It is too landlocked!

Neat pics and videos.

farmermarvswife said...

lol, Mrs. Z! I always try and keep up my sense of humor!

Memories To Keep said...

Hello from Ohio! Just wanted to say thanks for the tractor videos from my 3 yr old! He was captivated to say the least! I am familiar with the faces, but not the names of your cousins. Our visiting workers do know them and explained them to me :-). Kinda like you see them every year, just don't know them, but still thankful they made it another year! Good day. Dora