Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Family reunion time is coming...2013

Our branch of the family is working out the details of our next reunion.  We had hoped to find a place in Minnesota near where our one set of great-grandparents homesteaded but we couldn't find anything.  We had heard of a place in NW Nebraska that has had good reports so we went with that...hard to believe it has been 5 years or will be 5 years next summer since our last one ( look here ).  In trying to figure out some special things to do for this one it has been fun looking through pictures to find ones of us 4 through the years...I think this is the oldest one....at least oldest I could find so far...

...about 10 years later....
... pushing 20 years later on this one...

...not quite 10 years on this one....
 ...and a little more than 10 years on this one....
...and this the most recent....looking forward to an update...all being well.

Some stats changed from last reunion:
      1.  One more of the 'next generation' has gotten married
      2.  6 new babies were added
      3.  One of the 'next generation' has moved to a different state
      4.  2 of the 'next generation' have changed careers
      5.  Retirement is looking good to the 'old generation'

Feel free to remind me of anything else you can think of.  So here's to a good reunion next July!

Family ties are precious things
Woven through the years
Of memories of togetherness--
Of laughter, love and tears.

Family ties are cherished things
Forged in childhood days
By love of parents, deep and true,
And sweet familiar ways.

Family ties are treasured things,
And far though we may roam,
The tender bonds with those we love,
Still pull our hearts toward home.

As I've been doing this a few more pictures of us 4 have come to mind...will have to try and find them and add them in!

'I'll gladly go the gospel story telling...'

I have wanted to get a new post done for a while but just didn't seem to be able to get my thoughts together on what it should be....this evening that phrase came to mind again.  I had been looking for this picture and couldn't find it and then happened on to it a couple days ago and got it scanned in to my computer....

 ...Clarence A. and Charles T.....both have been laid to rest but we knew a wonderful influence from them when they walked amongst us.  Charles' Wisconsin funeral was during our convention and another funeral in his home state where he was laid to rest.  We know that neither looked for glory for themselves but sought to be a servant to help others have a clear vision of what any of us can have through the Lord....''tis best to serve, though least within Thy walls'...

In reading blogs lately I have felt others have expressed things so much better than I could...experiences we have had the last month.  Also another person's blog, who is going through cancer treatments, and all she has shared and others have shared about her.   I'm glad I found the blog and glad she has shared what she has...her thought being it could be of help to another who might have to face the same experience...what a wonderful spirit...

I know that I've had a lot of special privileges lately....and have been touched deeply ...'I'll spend my days Thy statutes humbly keeping, for with Thy precepts Thou has quicken'd me....'