Saturday, November 8, 2008


Can any one guess what is going on here??

As you can see we had our workers here, which we thoroughly enjoyed. They didn't get here at all last year because of circumstances so they said they would come twice this year! We are looking forward to the second visit! : )
Tina and Ellen had a little misfortune when they went out for a walk one day. It was cloudy when they left but didn't think too much of that - that was the mistake! Before long it was raining and then pouring rain! Frances and I thought the 'rescue squad' should go out so off I went - not knowing where I was going! I went to all the places I thought they might be but didn't find them so came home thinking maybe I had missed them. But no, they weren't back. About that time I looked out the window and they were just up the road so I set out to get them. They were laughing and declined the ride, needless to say they were thoroughly soaked! So after getting back to the house they set about getting clothes washed and dried. They claimed it was a nice walk and one they would remember!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you are making ice cream in Marv's ball. Do I get a dish if I am right?

farmermarvswife said...

Sorry it is all gone, Karen! You need to be here to get some! Ha!

Anita said...

Ice Cream! Someone sent one of those over here; no one's invited me to any blue ball ice cream parties yet, though!

farmermarvswife said...

Anita - I'm surprised you haven't been invited to a blue ball ice cream party since it looked like you were the 'blue coat society'! Minnie