Ground corn - not quite a full bunker but getting there! The tallest part of the wall is 12 feet! The lower one is 8 feet - a correction on that one from an old post!

Full and covered bunker - this is the one that was being filled on a previous blog - for any one interested and where I said the wall was 12 feet and should have been 8 feet. Still a lot of 'cow salad' for next winter!
I think the shelled corn looks so good you could eat it! Sure glad the cows like it!
Speaking of cows - Farmer Marv felt I should share this story from earlier this fall and it is a true story!
Once upon a 'morning' .... the phone rings at 1:30 a.m. - "Need to get Marv over here, can't get the calf out" Ok
the phone rings 2:30 a.m. - "Did the vet call back?" No! "Well, I can't get this calf out so I had to call the vet and I'm waiting for him to call back." Ok
the phone rings 3:30 a.m. - "I just got your call, do you need help with pulling a calf?" Yes.
4:30 a.m. Farmer Marv gets back to bed.
The cow was ok but the calf didn't make it. Glad this isn't always the 'story' down on the farm!
losing a calf was always one of the saddest parts about being on the farm. Wonder what was with the vet- was he on another call?
This was actually the 2nd vet called - first one apparently didn't have all his electronic gadgets set up right to transfer the call to the back up vet -- you know the baby boomer generation sometimes has trouble with that! (guess I shouldn't judge others by myself -- advise from my mother!) Minnie
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