Since I have a picture of Hannah on here decided I better get one of Nolan posted as well. This is about the only cat we have that will let some one handle it. Some one must have dropped it off as it is really used to people and would like to move in the house! Nolan thought it was pretty neat that the cat would sit on his lap. He also thought it was neat to feed the cat his supper - some how Dad wasn't so impressed with that! Guess we need a name the cat contest on this one!
King Tut lives!
Yes - I guess we could call him King Tut!
I vote for 'Lap'.
excuse me...i did not know that king tut had passed on. i never received the funeral notes :( if possible please forward me the memorial card. thanks
Sorry Kiona - he died a year and a half ago when we were in Texas. We didn't get to the funeral either! I did give him a good petting before we left, though as didn't think he was going to live too much longer! Glad you found my site : ) Please tell your mom about it.
I love that cat. My favorite farm cats were the orange tabby. I do miss all the animals that we had on the farm. Right now we are limited to one cat and one dog.
So I guess I will put in my two cents worth. Becky said I should tell you to make your comment page a pop-up window then it is easier to close when done. She said your son-in-law could help you if you cannot figure it out.
I assume from the comments the orange cat is a male. Our honey was a rare breed being an orange female. I don't have any ideas for a name though.
Auntie & I looked at pictures from past reunions this evening. Fun. I tried publishing this and it wouldn't work with my name so will try anonymous. Karen
Me again -- what is this funny WORD VERIFICATION thingy you have to fill in to make it work?
Thanks for comments everyone. The funny word thing is some kind of a security thing, I guess - Don't ask me I just know you have to use it!! Yes, yes, my tech support. He gives me an answer even if it isn't the one I need! Ha! He wants to know why I only ask him. Well he is the only one with patiences to deal with me!! Need I say more!
Re: the cat - well yes he was a male anyway! Maybe we should call him Eunie! I thought he was like your Honey when he first came around but upon further inspection realized it was something else!! He is a nice cat - a little too nice when he lays on my flowers when I'm trying to weed.
The word verification is to prevent the automated "bots" that scour the nets for forums, and blogs where they automatically create login names and then start posting spam messages. Since the word is not written in standard fonts, the automated bots can't read it...making sure that it is a real human posting.
Thanks Will - I can see I've another 'tech support' to use! I'm making a list of things I need help with!
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