My blog is over due some comments again. We have had lots of special times this summer especially with our visitors.

Aunt Agnes with visitors from Minnesota
Matt & Linda K.

Aunt Agnes with visitors from Minnesota
Matt & Linda K.

More of our winter Texan friends from Minnesota that we didn't see at Emo
Ralph & Louise H.
What is in these next two pictures, I maybe shouldn't call 'visitors' since maybe they are just as much residents as we are!
Any one looking for their 'prince charming'? Come check out my backyard pond!

These 2 come around fairly frequently and are quite bold. They were with in 50 to 100 ft. of some of our buildings when I took this and Farmer Marv was very near by in a skid steer!
When ever I see them, I 'stand in awe'. If I had been a little quicker with my camera, I could have gotten a video clip of them flying off!
I saw a bald eagle once in IN and was thrilled. Then I saw lots in western WI, but never as close as these! Pretty neat!
we know of one nest near us but as frequently as we see eagles we are wondering if there is another one some place near by. it was interesting to do a little study on what the Bible has to say about eagles, too.
uhhh, where was that frog when i was there this summer?? :-)
oh, Tammy!
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