There is no doubt fall is here....trees are turning, pine needles are falling, asian lady beetles are coming out
(in hoards) as well as box elder bugs...and our conventions are over...and we are having some lovely, sunny, warm days...a little frost but only enough to nip things a little. We are having a family picture the 15th. so hopefully we'll still have a few flowers for then!
Recently a very dear lady from near us passed away...she was a lady of integrity and her passing leaves a very big gap...I didn't know her real well but my memories of visits with her are special....the kind of visits where a person comes away feeling there was something learned, something worth applying to life....she wasn't really old...past 65 but not 70...and her death came as a shock because she was such an 'alive person'....I was glad I was able to go to the was special to hear words expressed because of what she had let God do in her life...her life was what it was because of that. Some time in the past she had expressed her desire and made arrangements that each family who attended her funeral would receive a rose...her favorite as each family passed her open casket at the end of the service they were given a long stemmed red rose....

...I'm glad to feel again...I've learned something and know there is much I can be exercised in, in my life even as was seen in hers.