Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'Life's chequered pathway'

Want to get an up date here....we had a very unexpected, unthought of trip back to Wisconsin for 10 days.  On February 17 we got word that Marv's youngest brother died very suddenly.  We flew home the next day to be at the funeral and attend to other necessary things.  We returned to Texas Monday.  This has been a double loss for us as he was not only a brother but also an employee...needless to say it seems quite unreal yet and know we will be very aware of it for some time and especially when we return home from our winter stay in Texas.

Here is their family picture taken last spring at their daughter's graduation.
We know that life can give its dark experience as well as pleasant experiences...our pleasant experience during this time was the completion of the adoption of our granddaughter she is in a 3 generation picture...


here she is with the toy Grandpa bought her....


 once again we know it takes the dark as well as the light to make the picture
so it is with life...
We are glad we know God...who is a god of all comfort and He makes no mistakes and may our faith ever be increasing....