Its been too wet to get anything done outside so I've been working on 'projects' inside. I've gotten going on something if you would have asked me about I wouldn't have thought I would be doing... it is a project involving embroidery! Here I need to go back on the story. In my mil's things I found three 15" squares with embroidered baskets with flowers. I'm sure she meant them for pillows but I'm not 'in to' pillows, I'm 'in to' quilts. I figured I would use them in a quilt ... some day. Well I happened on to them again recently and decided to 'take up the project'. About the same time I was going through a draw (fyi -- I have pack rat syndrome so things get interesting) and found some transfer patterns that my aunt gave me. Now these have been around a while since she has been in the work 50+ yrs. and they were from before she went in the work (she gave them to me after she was in the work as I wasn't born yet when she went in). And I found some with baskets and flowers! An idea is forming....I'll do a few more blocks, the same size, and then it will become a quilt of contributions from my mil as well as from my family. Next -- find some material to use -- that wasn't hard either -- as I started looking through my 'supplies' -- so the 'project' is off and running. I'm not sure how many blocks I will do total but have three more done and starting on the next set of three. Here is what they look like...

All 6 of them together.

The three from my mil

and the three I've done so far.
And I find I'm quite enjoying the project!
I'm not sure how I will put it together but I'm sure I'll come up with something! Feel free to make suggestions!